Supercharge your tables or build a datagrid from scratch for TS/JS, React, Vue, Solid, Svelte & Lit while retaining 100% control over markup and styles.
Get StartedWhat good is a powerful table if that super hip designer you just hired can't work their UI magic on it? TanStack Table is headless by design, which means 100% control down to the very smallest HTML tag, component, class and style. Pixel Perfection? Go for it!
Don't be fooled by the small bundle size. TanStack Table is a workhorse. It's built to materialize, filter, sort, group, aggregate, paginate and display massive data sets using a very small API surface. Wire up your new or existing tables and watch your users become instantly more productive.
TanStack table ships with excellent defaults to get you off the ground as fast as possible, but nothing is stopping you from customizing and overriding literally everything to your liking. Feeling tenacious enough to build your own Sheets/Excel/AirTable clone? Be our guest 😉
TanStack Table's API and engine are highly modular and framework-independent while still prioritizing ergonomics. Behold, the obligatory feature-list:
With some basic styles, some table markup and few columns, you're already well on your way to creating a drop-dead powerful table.