
Routing Concepts

TanStack Router supports a number of powerful routing concepts that allow you to build complex and dynamic routing systems with ease.

Each of these concepts is useful and powerful, and we'll dive into each of them in the following sections.

The Root Route

The root route is the top-most route in the entire tree and encapsulates all other routes as children.

  • It has no path
  • It is always matched
  • Its component is always rendered

Even though it doesn't have a path, the root route has access to all of the same functionality as other routes including:

  • components
  • loaders
  • search param validation
  • etc.

To create a root route, call the createRootRoute() constructor and export it as the Route variable in your route file:

import { createRootRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createRootRoute()
import { createRootRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createRootRoute()

🧠 You can also create a root route via the createRootRouteWithContext<TContext>() function, which is a type-safe way of doing dependency injection for the entire router. Read more about this in the Context Section -->

Anatomy of a Route

All other routes other than the root route are configured using the createFileRoute function, which provides type safety when using file-based routing:

import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/posts')({
  component: PostsComponent,
import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/posts')({
  component: PostsComponent,

The createFileRoute Path Argument

The createFileRoute function takes a single argument, the file-route's path as a string.

❓❓❓ "Wait, you're making me pass the path of the route file to createFileRoute?"

Yes! But don't worry, this path is automatically written and managed by the router for you via the TanStack Router plugin or Router CLI. So, as you create new routes, move routes around or rename routes, the path will be updated for you automatically.

🧠 The reason for this pathname has everything to do with the magical type safety of TanStack Router. Without this pathname, TypeScript would have no idea what file we're in! (We wish TypeScript had a built-in for this, but they don't yet 🤷‍♂️)

Static Routes

Static routes match a specific path, for example /about, /settings, /settings/notifications are all static routes, as they match the path exactly.

Let's take a look at an /about route:

// about.tsx
import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/about')({
  component: AboutComponent,

function AboutComponent() {
  return <div>About</div>
// about.tsx
import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/about')({
  component: AboutComponent,

function AboutComponent() {
  return <div>About</div>

Static routes are simple and straightforward. They match the path exactly and render the provided component.

Index Routes

Index routes specifically target their parent route when it is matched exactly and no child route is matched.

Let's take a look at an index route for a /posts URL:

// posts.index.tsx
import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

// Note the trailing slash, which is used to target index routes
export const Route = createFileRoute('/posts/')({
  component: PostsIndexComponent,

function PostsIndexComponent() {
  return <div>Please select a post!</div>
// posts.index.tsx
import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

// Note the trailing slash, which is used to target index routes
export const Route = createFileRoute('/posts/')({
  component: PostsIndexComponent,

function PostsIndexComponent() {
  return <div>Please select a post!</div>

This route will be matched when the URL is /posts exactly.

Dynamic Route Segments

Route path segments that start with a $ followed by a label are dynamic and capture that section of the URL into the params object for use in your application. For example, a pathname of /posts/123 would match the /posts/$postId route, and the params object would be { postId: '123' }.

These params are then usable in your route's configuration and components! Let's look at a posts.$postId.tsx route:

import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/posts/$postId')({
  // In a loader
  loader: ({ params }) => fetchPost(params.postId),
  // Or in a component
  component: PostComponent,

function PostComponent() {
  // In a component!
  const { postId } = Route.useParams()
  return <div>Post ID: {postId}</div>
import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/posts/$postId')({
  // In a loader
  loader: ({ params }) => fetchPost(params.postId),
  // Or in a component
  component: PostComponent,

function PostComponent() {
  // In a component!
  const { postId } = Route.useParams()
  return <div>Post ID: {postId}</div>

🧠 Dynamic segments work at each segment of the path. For example, you could have a route with the path of /posts/$postId/$revisionId and each $ segment would be captured into the params object.

Splat / Catch-All Routes

A route with a path of only $ is called a "splat" route because it always captures any remaining section of the URL pathname from the $ to the end. The captured pathname is then available in the params object under the special _splat property.

For example, a route targeting the files/$ path is a splat route. If the URL pathname is /files/documents/hello-world, the params object would contain documents/hello-world under the special _splat property:

  '_splat': 'documents/hello-world'
  '_splat': 'documents/hello-world'

⚠️ In v1 of the router, splat routes are also denoted with a * instead of a _splat key for backwards compatibility. This will be removed in v2.

🧠 Why use $? Thanks to tools like Remix, we know that despite *s being the most common character to represent a wildcard, they do not play nice with filenames or CLI tools, so just like them, we decided to use $ instead.

Pathless Routes

Routes that are prefixed with an underscore (_) are considered "pathless" and are used to wrap child routes with additional components and logic, without requiring a matching path in the URL. You can use pathless routes to:

  • Wrap child routes with a layout component
  • Enforce a loader requirement before displaying any child routes
  • Validate and provide search params to child routes
  • Provide fallbacks for error components or pending elements to child routes
  • Provide shared context to all child routes

🧠 The part of the path after the _ prefix is used as the route's ID and is required because every route must be uniquely identifiable, especially when using TypeScript so as to avoid type errors and accomplish autocomplete effectively.

Let's take a look at an example route called _pathless.tsx:

├── _pathless.tsx
├── _pathless.a.tsx
├── _pathless.b.tsx
├── _pathless.tsx
├── _pathless.a.tsx
├── _pathless.b.tsx

In the tree above, _pathless.tsx is a pathless route that wraps two child routes, _pathless.a.tsx and _pathless.b.tsx. The _pathless.tsx route is used to wrap the child routes with a layout component:

import { Outlet, createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/_pathless')({
  component: LayoutComponent,

function LayoutComponent() {
  return (
      <Outlet />
import { Outlet, createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/_pathless')({
  component: LayoutComponent,

function LayoutComponent() {
  return (
      <Outlet />

The following table shows which component will be rendered based on the URL:

URL PathComponent

Non-Nested Routes

Non-nested routes can be created by suffixing a parent file route segment with a _ and are used to un-nest a route from it's parents and render its own component tree.

Consider the following flat route tree:

├── posts.tsx
├── posts.$postId.tsx
├── posts_.$postId.edit.tsx
├── posts.tsx
├── posts.$postId.tsx
├── posts_.$postId.edit.tsx

The following table shows which component will be rendered based on the URL:

URL PathComponent
/posts/123<Posts><Post postId="123">
/posts/123/edit<PostEditor postId="123">
  • The posts.$postId.tsx route is nested as normal under the posts.tsx route and will render <Posts><Post>.
  • The posts_.$postId.edit.tsx route does not share the same posts prefix as the other routes and therefore will be treated as if it is a top-level route and will render <PostEditor>.

404 / NotFoundRoutes

404 / Not-Found routes, while not an explicit part of the route tree, are a useful abstraction on the concept.

Sure, you could technically (and monotonously) place a splat / catch-all route under every route branch you create. But even at a small scale, this is cumbersome and prone to error. Instead, you can create a special NotFoundRoute and provide it to your router's notFoundRoute option.

⚠️ Never include a NotFoundRoute in your route tree. Doing so will not allow it to work at every branch of your route tree.

NotFoundRoutes are rendered when:

  • excess path segments are found in the URL beyond all possible route matches
  • there is no dynamic segment or splat route to capture the excess path segments
  • there is no index route to render when the parent route is matched
  • a notFoundRoute is provided to the router

NotFoundRoutes are special versions of a Route that:

  • Have no path
  • Have no id
  • Cannot parse or validate path params

They do however still have the ability to:

  • Render component, pendingComponent and errorComponents
  • Validate and receive search params
  • Configure loaders and beforeLoad hooks
  • Receive data and search params from the root route

We'll cover how to configure a NotFoundRoute in the Route Matching - Not-Found Routes guide.

Pathless Route Group Directories

Pathless route group directories use () as a way to group routes files together regardless of their path. They are purely organizational and do not affect the route tree or component tree in any way.

├── index.tsx
├── (app)/
│   ├── dashboard.tsx
│   ├── settings.tsx
│   ├── users.tsx
├── (auth)/
│   ├── login.tsx
│   ├── register.tsx
├── index.tsx
├── (app)/
│   ├── dashboard.tsx
│   ├── settings.tsx
│   ├── users.tsx
├── (auth)/
│   ├── login.tsx
│   ├── register.tsx

In the example above, the app and auth directories are purely organizational and do not affect the route tree or component tree in any way. They are used to group related routes together for easier navigation and organization.

The following table shows which component will be rendered based on the URL:

URL PathComponent

As you can see, the app and auth directories are purely organizational and do not affect the route tree or component tree in any way.

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