These are core options and API properties for all headers. More options and API properties may be available for other table features.
All header objects have the following properties:
id: string
id: string
The unique identifier for the header.
index: number
index: number
The index for the header within the header group.
depth: number
depth: number
The depth of the header, zero-indexed based.
column: Column<TData>
column: Column<TData>
The header's associated Column object
headerGroup: HeaderGroup<TData>
headerGroup: HeaderGroup<TData>
The header's associated HeaderGroup object
type subHeaders = Header<TData>[]
type subHeaders = Header<TData>[]
The header's hierarchical sub/child headers. Will be empty if the header's associated column is a leaf-column.
colSpan: number
colSpan: number
The col-span for the header.
rowSpan: number
rowSpan: number
The row-span for the header.
type getLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData>[]
type getLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData>[]
Returns the leaf headers hierarchically nested under this header.
isPlaceholder: boolean
isPlaceholder: boolean
A boolean denoting if the header is a placeholder header
placeholderId?: string
placeholderId?: string
If the header is a placeholder header, this will be a unique header ID that does not conflict with any other headers across the table
getContext: () => {
table: Table<TData>
header: Header<TData, TValue>
column: Column<TData, TValue>
getContext: () => {
table: Table<TData>
header: Header<TData, TValue>
column: Column<TData, TValue>
Returns the rendering context (or props) for column-based components like headers, footers and filters. Use these props with your framework's flexRender utility to render these using the template of your choice:
flexRender(header.column.columnDef.header, header.getContext())
flexRender(header.column.columnDef.header, header.getContext())
type getHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
Returns all header groups for the table.
type getLeftHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getLeftHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
If pinning, returns the header groups for the left pinned columns.
type getCenterHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getCenterHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
If pinning, returns the header groups for columns that are not pinned.
type getRightHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getRightHeaderGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
If pinning, returns the header groups for the right pinned columns.
type getFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
Returns all footer groups for the table.
type getLeftFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getLeftFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
If pinning, returns the footer groups for the left pinned columns.
type getCenterFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getCenterFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
If pinning, returns the footer groups for columns that are not pinned.
type getRightFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
type getRightFooterGroups = () => HeaderGroup<TData>[]
If pinning, returns the footer groups for the right pinned columns.
type getFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
Returns headers for all columns in the table, including parent headers.
type getLeftFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getLeftFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
If pinning, returns headers for all left pinned columns in the table, including parent headers.
type getCenterFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getCenterFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
If pinning, returns headers for all columns that are not pinned, including parent headers.
type getRightFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getRightFlatHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
If pinning, returns headers for all right pinned columns in the table, including parent headers.
type getLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
Returns headers for all leaf columns in the table, (not including parent headers).
type getLeftLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getLeftLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
If pinning, returns headers for all left pinned leaf columns in the table, (not including parent headers).
type getCenterLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getCenterLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
If pinning, returns headers for all columns that are not pinned, (not including parent headers).
type getRightLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
type getRightLeafHeaders = () => Header<TData, unknown>[]
If pinning, returns headers for all right pinned leaf columns in the table, (not including parent headers).
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