Grouping state is stored on the table using the following shape:
export type GroupingState = string[]
export type GroupingTableState = {
grouping: GroupingState
export type GroupingState = string[]
export type GroupingTableState = {
grouping: GroupingState
The following aggregation functions are built-in to the table core:
Every grouping function receives:
and should return a value (usually primitive) to build the aggregated row model.
This is the type signature for every aggregation function:
export type AggregationFn<TData extends AnyData> = (
getLeafRows: () => Row<TData>[],
getChildRows: () => Row<TData>[]
) => any
export type AggregationFn<TData extends AnyData> = (
getLeafRows: () => Row<TData>[],
getChildRows: () => Row<TData>[]
) => any
Aggregation functions can be used/referenced/defined by passing the following to columnDefinition.aggregationFn:
The final list of aggregation functions available for the columnDef.aggregationFn use the following type:
export type AggregationFnOption<TData extends AnyData> =
| 'auto'
| keyof AggregationFns
| BuiltInAggregationFn
| AggregationFn<TData>
export type AggregationFnOption<TData extends AnyData> =
| 'auto'
| keyof AggregationFns
| BuiltInAggregationFn
| AggregationFn<TData>
aggregationFn?: AggregationFn | keyof AggregationFns | keyof BuiltInAggregationFns
aggregationFn?: AggregationFn | keyof AggregationFns | keyof BuiltInAggregationFns
The aggregation function to use with this column.
aggregatedCell?: Renderable<
table: Table<TData>
row: Row<TData>
column: Column<TData>
cell: Cell<TData>
getValue: () => any
renderValue: () => any
aggregatedCell?: Renderable<
table: Table<TData>
row: Row<TData>
column: Column<TData>
cell: Cell<TData>
getValue: () => any
renderValue: () => any
The cell to display each row for the column if the cell is an aggregate. If a function is passed, it will be passed a props object with the context of the cell and should return the property type for your adapter (the exact type depends on the adapter being used).
enableGrouping?: boolean
enableGrouping?: boolean
Enables/disables grouping for this column.
getGroupingValue?: (row: TData) => any
getGroupingValue?: (row: TData) => any
Specify a value to be used for grouping rows on this column. If this option is not specified, the value derived from accessorKey / accessorFn will be used instead.
aggregationFn?: AggregationFnOption<TData>
aggregationFn?: AggregationFnOption<TData>
The resolved aggregation function for the column.
getCanGroup: () => boolean
getCanGroup: () => boolean
Returns whether or not the column can be grouped.
getIsGrouped: () => boolean
getIsGrouped: () => boolean
Returns whether or not the column is currently grouped.
getGroupedIndex: () => number
getGroupedIndex: () => number
Returns the index of the column in the grouping state.
toggleGrouping: () => void
toggleGrouping: () => void
Toggles the grouping state of the column.
getToggleGroupingHandler: () => () => void
getToggleGroupingHandler: () => () => void
Returns a function that toggles the grouping state of the column. This is useful for passing to the onClick prop of a button.
getAutoAggregationFn: () => AggregationFn<TData> | undefined
getAutoAggregationFn: () => AggregationFn<TData> | undefined
Returns the automatically inferred aggregation function for the column.
getAggregationFn: () => AggregationFn<TData> | undefined
getAggregationFn: () => AggregationFn<TData> | undefined
Returns the aggregation function for the column.
groupingColumnId?: string
groupingColumnId?: string
If this row is grouped, this is the id of the column that this row is grouped by.
groupingValue?: any
groupingValue?: any
If this row is grouped, this is the unique/shared value for the groupingColumnId for all of the rows in this group.
getIsGrouped: () => boolean
getIsGrouped: () => boolean
Returns whether or not the row is currently grouped.
getGroupingValue: (columnId: string) => unknown
getGroupingValue: (columnId: string) => unknown
Returns the grouping value for any row and column (including leaf rows).
aggregationFns?: Record<string, AggregationFn>
aggregationFns?: Record<string, AggregationFn>
This option allows you to define custom aggregation functions that can be referenced in a column's aggregationFn option by their key. Example:
declare module '@tanstack/table-core' {
interface AggregationFns {
myCustomAggregation: AggregationFn<unknown>
const column ='key', {
aggregationFn: 'myCustomAggregation',
const table = useReactTable({
columns: [column],
aggregationFns: {
myCustomAggregation: (columnId, leafRows, childRows) => {
// return the aggregated value
declare module '@tanstack/table-core' {
interface AggregationFns {
myCustomAggregation: AggregationFn<unknown>
const column ='key', {
aggregationFn: 'myCustomAggregation',
const table = useReactTable({
columns: [column],
aggregationFns: {
myCustomAggregation: (columnId, leafRows, childRows) => {
// return the aggregated value
manualGrouping?: boolean
manualGrouping?: boolean
Enables manual grouping. If this option is set to true, the table will not automatically group rows using getGroupedRowModel() and instead will expect you to manually group the rows before passing them to the table. This is useful if you are doing server-side grouping and aggregation.
onGroupingChange?: OnChangeFn<GroupingState>
onGroupingChange?: OnChangeFn<GroupingState>
If this function is provided, it will be called when the grouping state changes and you will be expected to manage the state yourself. You can pass the managed state back to the table via the tableOptions.state.grouping option.
enableGrouping?: boolean
enableGrouping?: boolean
Enables/disables grouping for all columns.
getGroupedRowModel?: (table: Table<TData>) => () => RowModel<TData>
getGroupedRowModel?: (table: Table<TData>) => () => RowModel<TData>
Returns the row model after grouping has taken place, but no further.
groupedColumnMode?: false | 'reorder' | 'remove' // default: `reorder`
groupedColumnMode?: false | 'reorder' | 'remove' // default: `reorder`
Grouping columns are automatically reordered by default to the start of the columns list. If you would rather remove them or leave them as-is, set the appropriate mode here.
setGrouping: (updater: Updater<GroupingState>) => void
setGrouping: (updater: Updater<GroupingState>) => void
Sets or updates the state.grouping state.
resetGrouping: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
resetGrouping: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
Resets the grouping state to initialState.grouping, or true can be passed to force a default blank state reset to [].
getPreGroupedRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
getPreGroupedRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
Returns the row model for the table before any grouping has been applied.
getGroupedRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
getGroupedRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
Returns the row model for the table after grouping has been applied.
getIsAggregated: () => boolean
getIsAggregated: () => boolean
Returns whether or not the cell is currently aggregated.
getIsGrouped: () => boolean
getIsGrouped: () => boolean
Returns whether or not the cell is currently grouped.
getIsPlaceholder: () => boolean
getIsPlaceholder: () => boolean
Returns whether or not the cell is currently a placeholder.
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