Pagination state is stored on the table using the following shape:
export type PaginationState = {
pageIndex: number
pageSize: number
export type PaginationTableState = {
pagination: PaginationState
export type PaginationInitialTableState = {
pagination?: Partial<PaginationState>
export type PaginationState = {
pageIndex: number
pageSize: number
export type PaginationTableState = {
pagination: PaginationState
export type PaginationInitialTableState = {
pagination?: Partial<PaginationState>
manualPagination?: boolean
manualPagination?: boolean
Enables manual pagination. If this option is set to true, the table will not automatically paginate rows using getPaginationRowModel() and instead will expect you to manually paginate the rows before passing them to the table. This is useful if you are doing server-side pagination and aggregation.
pageCount?: number
pageCount?: number
When manually controlling pagination, you can supply a total pageCount value to the table if you know it. If you do not know how many pages there are, you can set this to -1. Alternatively, you can provide a rowCount value and the table will calculate the pageCount internally.
rowCount?: number
rowCount?: number
When manually controlling pagination, you can supply a total rowCount value to the table if you know it. pageCount will be calculated internally from rowCount and pageSize.
autoResetPageIndex?: boolean
autoResetPageIndex?: boolean
If set to true, pagination will be reset to the first page when page-altering state changes eg. data is updated, filters change, grouping changes, etc.
🧠Note: This option defaults to false if manualPagination is set to true
onPaginationChange?: OnChangeFn<PaginationState>
onPaginationChange?: OnChangeFn<PaginationState>
If this function is provided, it will be called when the pagination state changes and you will be expected to manage the state yourself. You can pass the managed state back to the table via the tableOptions.state.pagination option.
getPaginationRowModel?: (table: Table<TData>) => () => RowModel<TData>
getPaginationRowModel?: (table: Table<TData>) => () => RowModel<TData>
Returns the row model after pagination has taken place, but no further.
Pagination columns are automatically reordered by default to the start of the columns list. If you would rather remove them or leave them as-is, set the appropriate mode here.
setPagination: (updater: Updater<PaginationState>) => void
setPagination: (updater: Updater<PaginationState>) => void
Sets or updates the state.pagination state.
resetPagination: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
resetPagination: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
Resets the pagination state to initialState.pagination, or true can be passed to force a default blank state reset to [].
setPageIndex: (updater: Updater<number>) => void
setPageIndex: (updater: Updater<number>) => void
Updates the page index using the provided function or value.
resetPageIndex: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
resetPageIndex: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
Resets the page index to its initial state. If defaultState is true, the page index will be reset to 0 regardless of initial state.
setPageSize: (updater: Updater<number>) => void
setPageSize: (updater: Updater<number>) => void
Updates the page size using the provided function or value.
resetPageSize: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
resetPageSize: (defaultState?: boolean) => void
Resets the page size to its initial state. If defaultState is true, the page size will be reset to 10 regardless of initial state.
getPageOptions: () => number[]
getPageOptions: () => number[]
Returns an array of page options (zero-index-based) for the current page size.
getCanPreviousPage: () => boolean
getCanPreviousPage: () => boolean
Returns whether the table can go to the previous page.
getCanNextPage: () => boolean
getCanNextPage: () => boolean
Returns whether the table can go to the next page.
previousPage: () => void
previousPage: () => void
Decrements the page index by one, if possible.
nextPage: () => void
nextPage: () => void
Increments the page index by one, if possible.
firstPage: () => void
firstPage: () => void
Sets the page index to 0.
lastPage: () => void
lastPage: () => void
Sets the page index to the last available page.
getPageCount: () => number
getPageCount: () => number
Returns the page count. If manually paginating or controlling the pagination state, this will come directly from the options.pageCount table option, otherwise it will be calculated from the table data using the total row count and current page size.
getPrePaginationRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
getPrePaginationRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
Returns the row model for the table before any pagination has been applied.
getPaginationRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
getPaginationRowModel: () => RowModel<TData>
Returns the row model for the table after pagination has been applied.
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